Math Resources.

As mentioned, I’ve done competitive math for more than 10 years, and written countless contests (including the AMCs, AIME, COMC, and CEMC series). I’ve gained a lot of experience and taught many people, whether that be through, my school’s Math Society, or independent tutoring. Here are some of the handouts and resources I’ve compiled to help grade 7-12 students in learning both curriculum and contest math.

Quadratics (for Grade 9)

A 5-part handout made for on quadratics:

  1. Intro to Quadratics
  2. Vertex Form
  3. Factoring Quadratics
  4. Completing the Square
  5. The Quadratic Formula

Logarithms (for Grade 11-12)

A 5-part handout made for on logarithms:

  1. Diagnostic Questions
  2. Intro to Logarithms
  3. The constant e
  4. Properties of Logarithms
  5. Applicaiton of Logarithms


An 8-part handout which serves as an introduction to Grade 9-10 contests, including the AMCs and COMC, made for the UTS Math Society with help from other Executives:

  1. Combinatorics
  2. Algebra
  3. Logarithms
  4. Complex Numbers
  5. Number Theory
  6. Mods
  7. Trigonometry
  8. Sequences and Series

A 16-page compendium which can be used as a study doc or crash course for all high school-level math contests:

Big Formula Sheet

Contest Takeups

Problems and Solutions for the AMC contests from 2021, made for the UTS Math Society:

  1. AMC 10A 2021
  2. AMC 10B 2021
  3. AMC 12A 2022
  4. AMC 12B 2022