S6 Physics Study Doc

Unit 1: Dynamics

Kinematics Equations

Circular Motion



Terminal Velocity (k = drag constant)

Unit 2: Energy and Momentum


  • K = spring constant
  • x = spring extension / compression ME = PE + KE

Energy of Mass Oscillating

  • k = coefficient
  • A = amplitude

If amplitude is known:

If is known:

Speed of mass at any point:

Forces and Collisions

Conservative vs Nonconservative

  • Conservative Force: doesn’t depend on path
  • Nonconservative Force: depends on path

Elastic vs Inelastic

  • Elastic collision: Kinetic Energy / Heat Conserved (pool ball)
  • Inelastic collision: Kinetic Energy / Heat not Conserved
    • perfectly inelastic collision: two objects stick together 

Open vs Closed

  • Open system: Momentum changes
  • Closed system: Momentum doesn’t change

Momentum: How hard is it to stop something?

Momentum (kg * m/s)

Collisions with conserved momentum:

Angular momentum:

  • L = angular momentum (kg m2 rad / s)
  • I = moment of inertia (kg m2)
  • w = angular velocity (rad / s)

Conservation of momentum (with no external force)

Elastic collision: Heat / Kinetic energy is not generated

  • Eg. knocking a billiard ball, and the cue ball stops

Inelastic collision: Heat / Kinetic energy is generated

  • Might go into heat/sound/potential
  • Perfectly inelastic: Objects stick together and continue moving

Impulse: Change in momentum

  • Measured in Ns because
  • Is the area under a F-t graph

Impulse-Momentum Formula

2D and Elastic Collisions

Moving Mass

Non-Moving Mass

Unit 3: Gravitational, Electric, and Magnetic Fields

Kepler’s Laws

  1. First Law: The orbit of every planet is an ellipse, with the sun at one of the two foci
    • Every orbit is an ellipse
    • Every ellipse has 2 foci
    • The sun is always one of the foci
  2. Second Law: Law of Equal Areas
    • A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time
    • Planet moves slowly when far from the sun!
    • Planet moves rapidly when close to the sun
  3. Third Law: The square of the orbital period of the planet is proportional to the cube of the semi major axis of its orbit

Escape Velocity Equation:

Gravitational Potential Energy = Binding Energy

  • Same as activation energy of an electron
  • It’s negative - “I’m this far below how much I need to leave”


Resistance = Voltage / Current 1C =

Kirchhoff’s Junction Rule: The algebraic sum of the currents into (or out of) any junction in the circuit is zero. 

Kirchhoff’s Loop Rule: The sum of the voltage changes across the circuit elements forming any closed loop is zero.

Resistivity and Electric Fields

Resistivity = 1 / conductivity

  • R = resistance (ohms)
  • p = resistivity (ohm * m)
  • L = length (m)
  • A = cross-sectional area (m^2)

Coulomb’s Law: Electrical Force between point charges

  • F = electrostatic force (N)
  • k = 9.0 * 10
  • q1, q2 = charge 1, charge 2 (C)
  • r = distance between charges (m)

Electric Field around a point charge

  • E = electric field (N/c)
  • k = 9.0 * 10
  • q = charge of the point charge (C)
  • r = distance from the point charge

Electric Fields

  1. Field lines must be tangent to the direction of the field at any point
  2. Greater line density = Greater field magnitude
  3. Go from + to -
  4. Electric Field Lines Never Cross

Magnetic Fields

  1. Go from N to S
  2. Inside a bar magnet, go from S to N

Unit 4: The Wave Nature of Light

Wavelength / Energy Equations



Light and Snell’s Law

Wave goes from deep shallow water

  • Speed (v) slows down
  • Wavelength () gets smaller / shorter
  • Angle () gets smaller
  • Frequency (f) doesn’t change

Thin Film Interference (Rainbows)

  1. Soap Film Rainbows
  2. Eyeglasses
  3. Oil spills on water

How to calculate path difference (air oil water)

  • wavelength in each medium
  • indexes of refraction

Double Slit Equations

l = screen to slit, d = between slit

Single Slit Equations

w = width of slit

Sample Question:

  • Single slit = use w equations
  • First fringe = n = 1
  • Dark fringe = use sin theta equation

Unit 5: Revolutions in Modern Physics

Special Relativity

Proper Length & Proper Time

  • ”Proper” measurement comes from whoever is at rest with respect to both the start and the end time
  • Ex: Spaceship moving away from Earth
    • Observer = proper length
    • Spaceship = proper time

Time Dilation Equation:

Length Concentration Equation:


Alternatively, do it in reverse (find time, then use time dilation equation)