0 | Overview

Course Goals

  • Understand the precise meaning of mathematical statements
  • Learn to communicate effectively
  • Get better at writing mathematical proofs
  • Become comfortable with arithmetic and algebra over some common systems (eg. the integers modulo n)

1 | Intro to Mathematical Language

1.1 Intro to Statements and Proofs


  • Statement = True or False
  • Proof = Rigorous argument establishing the truth of a statement with no doubt

Ex: Can you convince someone else that your answer is correct?

  1. For every positive integer is not a perfect square
  2. For every positive integer is not a perfect square

Proof 1: Squares must differ by Proof 2: Counterexample:


  • Set = a well-defined, unordered collection of distinct objects (elements / members)
    • Finite Sets = you can list all elements
    • Infinite Sets = must be specified (=natural, =integers, =rational, =real)
  • Membership
    • = belongs
    • = doesn’t belong

Statement or not? (09/06)

  • Statement = T/F
  • Open Sentence = true dependent on variable
  • Others: question, definition, expression

Building a statement

  • Substitution: Giving a value to a variable
  • Quantification:

Ex: For all integers

1.2 | Domains and Quantifiers

Statements have four parts:

  1. Quantifier
  2. Variable
  3. Domain
  4. Property


  • Universal:
  • Existential:

1.3 | Negation and Nesting


  • Not:

Ex: Negation

Ex: Negating universal statements

Ex: Negating existential statements


  1. There is a real number r such that
  2. All natural numbers have an absolute value of at least 1
  3. Every positive integer is even
  4. Write each statement symbolically and determine if T/F
    1. For all real numbers x and y,
      1. False (0,0)
    2. There exist real numbers x and y such that
      1. True (1,0)
    3. For all real numbers x, there exists a real number y such that
      1. True
    4. There exists a real number x such that for all real numbers y,
      1. Neg:
      2. False (y=x)

Note about nested quantifiers

  • If quantifiers are different types, order matters!
  • ex: “there exists an x below every y” VS “every y has an x below it”

2 | Logical Analysis of Mathematical Statements

2.1 | Logical Operators

Logical Connectives / Logical Operators

  • AND =
  • OR =
  • NEG =
  • =

Truth Tables

Negation (“not”)

Conjugation (“and”)
Disjunction (“or”)

Logical Equivalence = two statements with the same truth values

De Morgan’s Laws (DML):

Ex 5: Prove DML with truth tables

Columns of and are equivalent

Ex: Negate the following:

Statement; For all integers or

Statement; There exists a real number x such that and \

Other Laws

  • Double Negation Law:
  • Commutative Laws
  • Associative Laws
  • Distributive Laws

Logical Equivalence

  • Is transitive

Ex 7: Prove

Proof with logical equivalence laws:

2.2 | Implication





Converse of Contrapositive = Contrapositive of Converse

Truth Table: Implication


Remark 2.4: The negation of an implication is AND

Truth Table: If and only if (iff) - note this is the intersection of implication and converse


3 | Proving Mathematical Statements

3.1 | Universally Quantified Statements

Direct Proof: Proof of the given statement without any logical tricks (contradiction, contrapositive) Don’t assume the statement is true


  • Consider a general representative x from S, do not work with a particular element
  • Argue (x) is true of this representative x
  • You need a general argument that works for all x in S. This means you can only use properties common to all objects in S.
  • Sometimes it is helpful to use casework, which allows you to make more assumptions. Make sure your cases cover all possible objects in S.

Ex 1: Prove the following statements

  1. For all real x and y,

Proof: Let be real numbers. Then the following inequalities are equivalent.

  1. For all real x and y, Case 1:

Case 2:

  1. For all real x, Let x be a real number. Then x satisfies one of the following: Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Therefore, in each case we have as needed.

Ex 2: For each of the following statements, determine whether the statement is T/F, then prove/disprove

    1. counterexample: x=1
    1. disproof: pick y=x-1

3.2 | Existentially Quantified Statements


  • Construct an object x and show that it works. This means verify x is a member of S and has property P(x)
  • If it is possible to give x explicitly, then do so
  • You are allowed to include details about how you found x (not necessary)

Ex 2.1: There exists an integer such that

Proof: Let . Then is an integer, and when we have:

Ex 2.2: Statement: There exists a perfect square such that

Proof: Let . We note that is a perfect square () and verify that when we have

3.3 | Statements Involving Implication


  • Pretend we know A is true
  • Use that fact to show that B is true
  • Do not assume that B is true

Ex 3.1: For all integers m, if is a perfect square, then is a perfect square

Proof: Assume that is a perfect square. This means we can write for some . It follows that

Since , we have shown that is a perfect square.

Ex 3.2: For all real numbers x, if is an odd integer, then is an even integer.

Proof: Let x be a real number. Assume that is an odd integer. This means that for some integer k. It follows that

Since , we have shown that is even.

3.4 | Divisibility

3.4.0 | Math Words

Math Words

  • Definitions
  • Propositions
  • Theorems: deeper proposition
  • Lemmas: used to prove a theorem
  • Corollaries: side-effect of a theorem

3.4.1 | Definition of divisibility

The Integers

  • The Set:
  • The operations: Addition and Multiplication
  • The ordering:


  • Subtraction is the addition of a negative
  • Given two integers, we can multiply, add, or subtract them another integer
  • Instead of performing divisions in , we talk about the notion of DIVISIBILITY

Definition (Divisibility): For , we say divides or if there exists an integer such that

  • We use \nmid for non-divisibility


  • For all integers
  • For all non-zero integers

Ex: Assuming , prove

3.4.2 | Results about divisibility / TD & DIC

Proposition (Transitivity of divisibility / TD): For all integers , if and then

Proposition: For all integers , if or , then

Cool thing:

Proposition (Divisibility of Integer Combinations): For all integers , if and , then for all integers

Exercise 2: Similar but different statements

For all , if for all then and - TRUE

For all and for all , if then and - FALSE

CAUTION: It is not true to say that

3.5 | Proof by Contrapositive

Example: , if is odd, then is odd.

Proof: We prove the contrapositive: If is even, then is even. Let

Thus, is even, proving the contrapositive and thus proving the statement.

Cool Thing: Method of Elimination

3.6 | Proof by Contradiction

Proof by Contradiction:

  • A statement A must be either T or F. If we can prove that A cannot be False, we prove that it is true.
  • Assume that A is false, then deduce something that we know to be untrue


  • Only used to establish the truth of an implication
  • May be a good option if you notice that is a “more useful” hypothesis to work with than the given hypothesis A
    • Eg: (M is odd) vs is odd


  • Used to prove more general statements A
  • Assume., for a contradiction that A is true
  • Look for a contradiction (often combining two contradictory statements)

Exercise 2.1: For all , if then or

Proof: Let , we will prove the contrapositive: If and then

Assume that . By divisibility of integer combinations (DIC), we have

This means that , so as needed.

4 | Induction

4.1 | Notation for Summation, Products, and Recurrences

4.2 | Proof by Induction

Weak Induction:

  1. Prove
  2. Then we can conclude

4.3 | Proof by Strong Induction

Strong Induction: Let be an open sentence about a natural number n.

  1. Then is true for all

Exercise 8:

  • for We show that the terms also satisfy

Proof: Let be the open sentence We prove that is true for all by induction on n BASE CASES: Verify and We are given that and . We verify that

INDUCTIVE STEP: Let be an arbitrary integer with Assume This means we should assume that for all integers in the range Since , we have and so we get the following

By strong induction, the statement is true.

5 | Sets

5.1 | Set Definitions

Definition: A set is a collection of elements


  1. - called the universe of discourse
  2. empty set
    1. NOTE: is not the empty set, it’s a set with one element (the empty set)

5.2 | Set Problems

Example: In set notation, write the set of positive integer multiples of 7 less than 1000

  • st = : = “such that”

Set of even numbers between 5 and 14

All odd perfect squares

Sets of three integers which are the side lengths of a (non trivial) triangle

All points on a circle of radius 8 centered at the origin

5.3 | Set Operations

Let S and T be sets. Define:

  1. = size / cardinality of set S
  2. (Union)
  3. (Intersection)
  4. (Set difference)
  5. or (With respect to universe U) the compliment of S, that is
  1. (Cartesian Product)

Example: , but



5.4 | Relating Sets

Let S and T be sets. Then

  1. : S is a subset of T - every element of S is an element of T
  2. : S is a proper / strict subset of T - every element of S is an element of T and some element of T is not in S
  3. : S contains / is a superset of T - every element of t is an element of S.
  4. : S properly / strictly contains T. Every element of T is an element of S and some element of S is not in T.

Definition: means and (is both superset and subset)


Question: Prove

  • Let .
  • Then
  • Thus such that
  • Now
  • Hence

Question: Show if and only if

  • Suppose S=T. To show , we need to show that and that
  • Suppose . Then and . Hence
  • Suppose that . Then or . Since S=T we have in either case that and . Thus . This shows that and completes the forward direction


  • Now assume that . We want to show that which we do by showing that and
  • Suppose that . Then, . Hence
  • Suppose that . Then . Hence
  • Thus,

Definition (Disjoint Sets): Two sets S and T are disjoint when

6 | GCD

6.1 | Definition of GCD

(Proposition) Bounds by Divisibility: For all , if and , then

PROOF: Let Since Since Since and , we have . Using properties of absolute value

Since for all we have that , we see that And so as needed.

When do have a GCD?

  • When

6.2 | GCDs and Remainders

(Proposition) Division Algorithm For all , there must exist unique integers such that

6.3 | Euclidean Algorithm

(Proposition) GCD with Remainders For all

Exercise: Calculate gcd(1239,735)

Thus, . Reversing the steps:

Doing back-substitution:

Follow-up Questions:

  1. Does -63 divide?
  1. Does 25 divide?
    1. No: Suppose (for a contradiction) that for some .
    2. Since and , we must have by DIC that .
    3. But this means , which is a contradiction. Thus, no exist.

6.4 | Different characterization of GCDs

(Proposition) Bezout’s Lemma: For all , there must exist such that

(Proposition) GCD Characterization Theorem: For all and all , if

  1. d is a common divisor of
  2. There exist common integers x and y such that Then d must be the GCD of a and b

PROOF: Let . Suppose: A) and B) for some We prove that by definition of GCD

Case 1: Then by definition of GCD By (B), . So

Case 2: We know that and since d divides a nonzero number (either a or b), we must have , so We have that is a common divisor of a and b from (A), so we prove it is the greatest among the common divisors. Let be an arbitrary common divisor of a and b. We intend to prove that Since and , By (B), we have that Since and , we have by Bounds by Divisibility. Since Thus, as desired.

6.5 | Extended Euclidean Algorithm

Given , the following algorithm calculates and finds its integer combination

Find such that

1010 (a)0
To produce row for

To obtain , , (Row 1) - q(Row 2)

Row 4
Stop when you find
Consider the second last row,

Ex: EEA for


(Proposition) Common Divisor GCD

6.6 | Coprime Integers

Statement 1: Prove that


Statement 2: Prove that is false

PROOF: Counterexample:

(Theorem): Generalization of Statement 1 For all with coprime,

(Theorem): Generalization of Statement 2 For all with not coprime, the above is false, because you can take


(Definition) Coprime / Relatively Prime Integers Two integers are coprime if


  1. two distinct primes are always coprime
  2. two composites can be coprime
  3. 1 is coprime with everything
  4. two consecutives are always coprime

(Proposition) Coprime-ness Characterization Theorem For all if and only if there exists integers such that

PROOF: Let be integers If , then Bezout’s Lemma says there exists such that If there exists such that , then by GCD Characterization Theorem

Exercise 3: Prove that for all

Let . Assume that By the CCT (or Bezout’s Lemma), we can write for some It follows that and . Therefore, by CCT

Assume By the CCT (or BL), we can write It follows that Therefore, by CCT

Exercise 4: Prove or disprove

Counterexample: We can fix this by making coprime with or

6.7 | Primes and prime factorizations

Proposition: Prime Factorization Every natural number can be written as a product of primes

PROOF: We use induction

BASE CASE: is true

INDUCTIVE STEP: Let Assume that is true for all Now, consider If is prime, then is true If is not prime, then is composite. This means we can write for some . By the inductive hypothesis, can be written as a product of primes. It follows that can be written as a product of primes. This means that is true as well. Therefore, is true for all by induction.

Proposition: Euclid’s Theorem There are infinitely many primes.

PROOF: Multiply every prime together, then add 1

Proposition: Euclid’s Lemma For all for all prime numbers , then or

Proposition: Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Every natural number can be written as a unique product of prime factors Alternatively, for all there exists a unique prime factorization of n:

6.8 | Finding Prime Factors

Proposition: Finding a prime factor Every natural number is either prime or has a prime divisor that is less than or equal to

Proposition: Divisors from Prime Factorization Let and be positive integers and suppose that Then is a divisor of if and only if for integers satisfying for


  • Number of factors is adding exponents
  • GCD is taking min of exponents
  • LCM is taking max of exponents

Prove that

Proof of the direction is trivial Proof of the direction: Let be positive integers.

Suppose . By DFPF, for each index This also means that for each index By DFPF, .

7 | Linear Diophantine Equations

7.1 | The Existence of Solutions in 2 Variables

Linear Diophantine Equation Theorem 1 (LDET 1) For all the linear Diophantine equation has an integer solution if and only if where

7.2 | Finding All Solutions in 2 Variables

Linear Diophantine Equation Theorem 2 (LDET 2) Let . If is a solution to , then the set of all solutions is given by


  1. By LDET 1, if , then has no solutions
  2. By LDET 1 and 2, if , then has infinitely many solutions

8 | Congruence and Mods

8.1 | Congruence

Definition (Congruence) Let be a fixed positive integer. We say if

8.2 | Elementary Properties of Congruence

Equivalence Properties

  • Reflexive:
  • Commutative:
  • Transitive:

Propositions (Congruence is an Equivalence Relation)

Proposition (Congruence arithmetic) If and , then

8.3 | Congruence and Remainders

”Cancellation Law” for integer arithmetic For all


Proposition (Congruent iff same remainder) For some have the same remainder divided by m

8.4 | Linear Congruence

Definition (Linear Congruence) A linear congruence in the variable is a relation of the form

is a solution to the congruence .

Solving Linear Congruences - Summary

  • has a solution if and only if has a solution
  • The solutions to are
- Where $(x_0,y_0)$ is one solution and $d=gcd(a,m)$
  • The coordinates of the solutions above are numbers of the form


    1. , and , so no solutions
    1. , so yes solutions
    2. We want some

8.5 | Non-linear Congruence

Example: Solve the congruence relation

8.6 | Congruence Classes and Modular Arithmetic (mod m)

Definition (Congruence Class) The congruence class modulo of the integer is the set of integers

Definition (The integers modulo ) The collection of the distinct congruence classes modulo

We do arithmetic in as follows (Modular Arithmetic). The operations are commutative, associative, and distributive.

Facts about

  • is the additive identity in
  • is the multiplicative identity in
  • is the additive inverse of in
  • may or may not have a multiplicative inverse in
    • is invertible in if and only if .
    • We write

Theorem (Modular Arithmetic Theorem) For all , the equation

has a solution if and only if . Moreover, if is a particular solution and , then there are solutions in and they are:

Example: Solve in

and means 5 solutions

Since , by MAT the solution set is

8.7 | Fermat’s Little Theorem (mod p)

Theorem (Fermat’s Little Theorem, FT) For all primes and all integers , if , then

Ex: Evaluate

Since is prime and , we know that

Ex: Prove that for all primes , all integers , and all non-negative integers

Assume WLOG that . Also note that Since , we have for some . Since and , we also have . Since , we know by FLT By exponent laws, we have

By congruence and FLT, we have

8.8 | Chinese Remainder Theorem

Ex: Find all solutions to the following:

For all , is a solution to the second congruence if and only if for some Such an is also a solution if and only if For ,

Since 3 is coprime with 13, we can divide both sides by 3

Now, we translate this solution of into

Theorem (Chinese Remainder Theorem) For , the simultaneous linear congruences in

have a unique solution modulo . Thus, if is one particular solution, then the full solution set is all satisfying

Ex: 13a: Solve the following:

Thus, this is the same as the following

Ex 13b: Solve the following

satisfies the first if and only if satisfies the second if and only if and , so there will be 2 solutions

8.9 | Splitting Modulus Theorem

Theorem (Splitting Modulus Theorem) For all and , if , then the simultaneous congruences

have exactly the same solutions in the singular congruence

Ex 14: Solve the following

Since , we can say


Congruence 1:

Which is not a solution. However, if , then . Therefore, the solutions are

Congruence 2:

With trial and error, we have

Putting this together, we have if and only if satisfies one of the following

By CRT, each of (A) and (B) has a unique solution

9 | RSA Public-Key Encryption Scheme

9.1 | Public-Key Cryptography

Cryptography is the practice and study of secure communication

Traditional Private-Key Cryptography Alice and Bob want to communicate privately

  1. Agree on a method (cryptosystem) and a key
  2. Alice encrypts the message (plaintext) using a key and the cryptosystem rules
  3. Alice sends the encrypted message (ciphertext) to bob
  4. Bob decrypts it using the key and cryptosystem rules, recovering the plaintext
  5. Alice and Bob hope that if an eavesdropped Eve intercepts the message, they can’t recover the plaintext

Substitution Cipher

  • How many different keys?

What makes a good cryptosystem?

  • Practical and resistant to Cryptanalysis (finding weaknesses)
  • Unbreakable in practice
  • Unbreakable even if some evil person knows the cryptosystem and key
  • How do we start setting up an encryption system without encrypting it?
    • A puts key in box with lock A
    • B puts key in box with lock A and B
    • A unlocks lock A
    • B unlocks lock B
    • Requires 3 transmissions

Public-key Idea

  • A large number of users agree on the same cryptosystem
  • Users have public encryption keys, but private decryption keys
  • It mist be difficult to deduce decryption key from encryption key

9.2 | Implementing the RSA Scheme


  1. Choose distinct primes . Set
  2. Choose an integer satisfying
  3. Find the integer satisfying
  4. Publish the public key
  5. Secure the private key


  1. Choose .
  2. Choose satisfying
  3. Find satisfying
  4. Publish
  5. Secure


  1. Generate message with
  2. Compute satisfying
  3. Send


  1. Generate a message , . Choose
  2. Compute such that
  3. Send


  1. Compute satisfying
  2. Read message


  1. Computer such that
  2. :)

9.3 | Proving the RSA Scheme Works

Steps to prove that

  1. and
  2. and

10 | Complex Numbers

10.1 | Standard Form

Definition () A complex number is an expression of the form . The set of all complex numbers is

Define complex numbers

  1. for our purposes
  2. The real part of of is , and the imaginary part is , NOT
  3. A complex number of the form is purely real
  4. A complex number of the form is purely imaginary
    1. is both purely real and purely imaginary :(
  5. We often use short forms (omitting 0 coefficients)

Definition (Addition and multiplication in ) Let and

Inverses of Complex Numbers Additive Inverse

Multiplicative Inverse

This gives the system of equations

Generalized Formula for Multiplicative Inverse

Subtraction and Division

  • for

Exercise: Evaluate


To find the inverse:

Returning to the equation:

REMARK: Multiplying by the conjugate does cool things!

Proposition (Properties of complex arithmetic) The following properties hold for all

  1. Associativity of addition:
  2. Commutativity of addition:
  3. Additive identity: where
  4. Additive inverses: has an additive inverse, denoted by , satisfying If then
  5. Associativity of multiplication:
  6. Commutativity of multiplication:
  7. Multiplicative identity: where
  8. Multiplicative inverses: If then has a multiplicative inverse, denoted by , satisfying If then
  9. Distributivity:

10.2 | Conjugate and Modulus

Definition (Conjugate and Modulus) Let be a complex number.

  1. The complex conjugate of , denoted by
  2. The modulus of z, denoted by

Example: Solve over Solution: Consider

We need such that

Or in other words

or . If :


Thus, our possible values of are Thus, our possible solutions are

Proposition (Properties of Congruence)

  1. and
  2. If , then

Proposition (Properties of Modulus)

  1. if and only if
  2. If then

Proving Triangle Inequality for modulus of complex numbers:


Since , and since both are non-negative reals, then

10.3 | Complex Plane and Polar Form

- plane - complex plane

Geometry of

  • (conjugate)

Example: Shade the region of the complex plane defined by

It’s an annulus (donut) centered at with inner radius 3 (non-inclusive) and outer radius 5, inverted across the real axis (no change), then shifted 3 across and 4 up.

Polar Form

  • Standard Form:
  • Polar Form:
    • is the angle the line makes with the positive real axis

Cartesian to Polar

Polar to Cartesian

Definition (Polar Form) Take and . Then, the number is represented as

Proposition (Polar Multiplication in ) For all complex numbers, we multiply the moduli and add the arguments :)

Exercise 13: Multiplication in standard form

Polar form for : Since , we have

Polar form for : Since , we have

10.4 | De Moivre’s Theorem

Complex Exponentiation in

Working with complex numbers is nicer. Let

Proposition (De Moivre’s Theorem) For all real numbers and all integers ,

Corollary (of De Moivre’s Theorem) For all complex numbers and , if or then

Proof of DMT Step 1: Proving the positive integers Consider First, we prove for all by induction on .

Base Case: Verify When , we have and So is true

Inductive Step: Let . Assume , that is, For , we have

Therefore , which completes our induction step.

Step 2: Proving the negative integers Now consider an arbitrary . Then for some . Then

Exercise 15: Calculate Step 1: Find a polar form for We have and so a polar form for is given by

Step 2: Find the power in polar form using DMT

Step 3: Find the standard form for

NOTATIONAL CONVENIENCE: Polar forms satisfy the usual exponent laws. Let .

10.5 | Complex n-th Roots

has two solutions:

Exercise 20: Determine all complex numbers satisfying Consider in polar form. Then

These two complex numbers are equal if and only if

Solutions are

This isn’t infinite because and are periodic

Definition (Complex th roots) Let and . The solutions in to the equation are called the complex th roots of a

Proposition (Complex th roots theorem) For all complex numbers and all , the complex th roots of are given by

Example: Find the complex 3rd roots of

10.6 | Square Roots and the Quadratic Formula

Proposition (Quadratic Formula) For , the solutions to are given by

Where is a complex 2nd root of the complex number

Example: Solve Solution: Using the quadratic formula, the solutions are of the dorm

where is a complex 2nd root of Since , we can take the 2nd root Therefore, we have

so the solutions are and

10.7 | Real and Complex Polynomials and their Arithmetic

Definition (Polynomial over or ) A polynomial in over or is written as

We use the notation or to denote the set of all polynomials in over or

Addition, subtraction, multiplication is the same as

10.8 | Roots of Polynomials and Factoring Polynomials

Theorem (Factor Theorem) For all and all , the complex linear polynomial is a factor of if and only if

Theorem (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) Every non-constant complex polynomial has a complex root.

Proposition (Complex Polynomials of degree have roots) For all and for all complex polynomials of degree n, there exist complex numbers and such that

This is done by applying FTA times.

Definition (Irreducible elements of ) Reducible polynomials can factor into positive-degree polynomials, irreducible polynomials can’t. The irreducible polynomials in are the linear polynomials.


  • is irreducible
  • is irreducible
  • , so it is reducible

Exercise: Factor

, so by Factor Theorem,

By Quadratic Formula,


Irreducible elements of

  1. All linear polynomials are irreducible
  2. A quadratic is reducible if and only if it has a real root
  3. An odd-degree polynomial is always reducible and always has a root
  4. An even-degree polynomial can be reducible regardless of whether or not they have a root

Factoring in :

  1. If a root if purely real, then that root is also a linear factor
  2. If a root is not purely real, then its conjugate is also a root (Conjugate Roots Theorem)

Proposition All real polynomials can be written as a product of linear and quadratic factors